NCIS: The impressive amount of money actor Mark Harmon earns on the Series

mark harmon salary

For 19 seasons, the incredible performance of main actor Mark Harmon has wowed audiences on NCIS series, but how much does he make for his role?

NCIS: Mark Harmon plays Leroy Gibbs
NCIS: Mark Harmon plays Leroy Gibbs

Mark Harmon has been playing Leroy Gibbs on the show for 19 years, before leaving the CBS procedural NCIS in fall 2021. But maybe it was because of how much money he makes per episode.

Fans have grown to love his character, who is the tough but faithful head of a group of criminal team. Harmon is also one of the few original cast members who remained long-time on the show, and he has appeared in more episodes than any of his other co-stars.

Many people will wonder if his salary shows how important he is to the series. But, as a well-known magazine showed, the actor's pay is accurate.

Celebrity Net Worth says that Harmon gets $525,000 for each episode of NCIS. This is about $12.6 million for a normal season with 24 episodes.

NCIS: How much money does Mark Harmon make for playing Leroy Gibbs?
NCIS: How much money does Mark Harmon make for playing Leroy Gibbs?

Even though there have been fewer episodes of NCIS in recent years, so Harmon would have made a little less.

Harmon will also get paid for his work as a director and for the rights to distribute NCIS. This will also make his pay for the show go up because now NCIS is the biggest crime thriller show in the world, means it is being shown everywhere.

All fans of NCIS can't wait for the show's next season to start, so they can keep 'perhaps' seeing the famous actor play Leroy Gibbs.

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