Heartland S17E10: A New Beginning or The End?

Recap of Heartland Season 17 Episode 10 and a Question for the Fans

In Season 17 Episode 10 of Heartland, a fire breaks out while Amy is handling Nathan's horse powder.

Additionally, Heartland Beef is struggling during this time. We'd love to hear what you think is going on between Amy and Nathan. Share your thoughts and insights in the comments below.

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  1. Rich_B says:

    Just started watching last year and as stated above...all the characters are relateable.

    The fact that so many characters have stayed with the show makes it all the more interesting to both see them grow, but change over the seasons.

    I was obviously sad to see Ty leave but know he had other career aspirations...still there are those on both sides who say the want him back or he can't come back he's dead.

    I DID however watch an episode where Georgie seemed to see someone look like Ty while showjumping and immediately had to withdraw. I felt this 'might' be a clue to Ty returning....afterall there were some loose ends from the Mongolian hitman story. I wondered if perhaps Ty had to fake his death in order to give Amy & Lindy some security....and noone could know he had to start a new life with a new identity. Seemed plausible to me...BUT ALAS it sounds like Graham Wardle insists he's permanently out. Would have been an interesting new beginning.

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