Heartland Star Amber Marshall Works Just as Hard Off Screen

The Actress Talks Trucks, Animals, and Why She Loves the Farm Life

Heartland's Amber Marshall Works Hard On and Off Screen

Amber Marshall, who plays Amy on the beloved CBC drama, runs a ranch with her husband! They work the fields together just like on the show.

Amber Marshall, best known for her role as Amy Fleming on the CBC's long-running Canadian TV series Heartland, is not just a talented actress but also a dedicated rancher and animal lover off-screen. Her commitment to her craft and her passion for rural life make her a unique figure in the entertainment industry.

A Real-Life Cowgirl

When she's not on set filming Heartland, Amber can be found working tirelessly on her ranch near Calgary, Alberta. She and her husband own and operate a 100-acre property where they raise a variety of animals, including horses, cattle, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens, and even owns a powerful truck to help out with her farm chores.

"My life off-screen isn't much different from my life on-screen," Amber has said. "I live on a ranch, I have horses and cattle and dogs. It's very much the Western lifestyle."

Hands-On Approach

Amber's dedication to her animals goes beyond simple ownership. She is actively involved in their daily care, from feeding and grooming to training and veterinary care. This hands-on approach not only keeps her connected to the land but also informs her performance as Amy Fleming, allowing her to bring authenticity to her on-screen role.

The star of CBC's longest running drama works the fields in real life with her husband.

Did You Know?

  • Amber has been riding horses since she was young, long before her role in Heartland.
  • She studied at The Original Kids Theatre Company in London, Ontario.
  • Amber is also a spokesperson for the charity "Kids Help Phone."

Balancing Act - Hard Work on and Off Set

Juggling a successful acting career with the demands of ranch life is no small feat. Amber's typical day might involve waking up at dawn to tend to her animals, driving to set for a full day of filming, and then returning home to complete evening chores on the ranch with her husband. Her work ethic and ability to balance these two worlds have earned her respect both in the entertainment industry and the agricultural community.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Through her work both on and off screen, Amber has become a role model for young people interested in agriculture and animal care. She frequently uses her platform to educate fans about responsible pet ownership and the realities of farm life. Her YouTube channel, "Ramblin' Rides With Amber,"

Whether she's in front of the camera or knee-deep in ranch work, Amber Marshall continues to inspire with her dedication, passion, and down-to-earth approach to life. Her story serves as a reminder that with hard work and commitment, it's possible to pursue multiple dreams and find harmony between different aspects of life.

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  1. Joe Clemmons says:

    Don't know why I feel such an attachment to you but ever since someone hijacked your website and carried on a fake conversation, I've felt a sincere, friendly attachment. I just feel that you're a wholehearted, genuine, loving person. Good luck on whatever path you choose to take and HOLD on to those family values and always keep those values in the forefront WHATEVER path you choose! I'll be watching! LY, Joe!

  2. Nora says:

    Amber Marshall, is true to her beliefs she works hard on the ranch as she does on her program with a HEARTLAND Miss Marshall seems to come across as a caring person to her fans. She always takes time and consideration to everything she does

  3. Terry Ruth says:

    A wonderful woman that works hard and loves The Creator’s creation.

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